Friday, October 7, 2011

You never fail when you try!

Some of us may be feeling a little down after our weigh-in this morning (I know I am).  I didn't give it my all last week and I knew that I wasn't trying hard enough, and it hurts when the scale confirms that.  So in my determination to do better this next week, I started reading some of my favorite fitness blogs and came across this article:

How To Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough

Talk about motivation!  Seriously, go read this article.  A funny thing happened tonight.  I decided to have my cheat day today.  So, I took my boys out to dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe.  I had a huge salad, some pasta, and a slice of pizza.  Then I went to get the dessert pizza.....I took a few bites and then had absolutely no desire to continue eating it.  It was strange.  Usually I am all about the sweet doughy desserts.  In fact, here I am 2 hours later and I still feel sick.  I don't know what's going on?  A change in my thinking maybe?

My friend, Jenn, (some of you may know Jenn), has told me many times:

"Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels!"

I hope Jenn doesn't mind, but I think I'm going to steal that saying as my own personal mantra.  See, I tried saying that to myself a few times last week and when I did, I found myself making better eating choices. 

Do any of you have personal mantra's that you repeat to yourself?  Do any of you use stick-it notes around your house?  (I'm seriously thinking of doing that!)

Good luck to everyone this week!  I know you (and I) can all have a great number on the scale!!!!!

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