Sunday, September 25, 2011

Challenge Tip-gum!

If you are a watcher of "The Biggest Loser" you will know that the trainers are always telling the participants to find other ways to curb their sweet tooth.  One of the ways they told them was to chew gum.....I'm a big fan of "5" many different flavors to choose from, so few calories. 

Whenever I feel like I need that sugar rush, I pop in a piece of gum.  Whenever I just need something to chew on, even if I'm not hungry, I pop in one of these bad boys. 

What are some ways or tips you curb your sweet tooth?????


  1. Gum is definitely a life saver for me! I love the EXTRA desserts flavor - strawberry shortcake - mint chocolate chip! YUMMY!!!

  2. chocolate chip!!! Is there an oreo flavored? :)
